Training with Kyra Kyrklund Volume 2: The Riders Seat and Balance DVD

Training with Kyra Kyrklund Volume 2: The Riders Seat and Balance DVD

Regular price $29.95 Sale

"Balance" is the keyword of this second volume from the Series "Training with Kyra Kyrklund." 

The rider's position is analyzed in detail both at the halt and when in motion. Basic rider faults commonly seen are demonstrated, and the relationship between the rider's balance and their instinct effect on the horse is examined. She asks, " Are you preventing your horse from going on the bit or bending right or left?"

This video clearly and briefly demonstrates the importance of the correct seat and shows how it directly affects the quality of communication between you and your horse. With Kyra's help, you can improve your performance immeasurably.

Approximately 25-30 minutes.