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2023 On The Levels

2009 Succeed/USDF Symposium with Jan Brink

Succeed/USDF FEI-Level Trainers' Conference featuring Jan Brink

This video brings the 2009 Succeed/USDF FEI-Level Trainers' Conference featuring Jan Brink to you. Jan addresses issues that include mares in dressage, psychology of riding, the training plan, handling tension, matching goals with horse ability, and more.


1999 USDF Symposium

1999 USDF National Symposium Symposium featuring Conrad Schumacher

The 1999 Symposium featuring Conrad Schumacher gives training tools applicable to everyone. Lessons highlight the necessary basics that provide a foundation for the dressage horse. Topics include Building the Foundation, and Progressive Training.


The Dressage Seat From the Trainers Perspective

The Dressage Seat from the Trainer's Perspective

Lisa Wilcox and Ernst Hoyos share their unique focus on the seat as a system of training, which emphasizes balance, elasticity and clear communication with the horse.A two-volume video featuring in-hand and under saddle work.


Performance Through Fitness - 2009 USDF Symposium

Performance Through Fitness

Everything you need to know about working your horse with cavaletti to improve his performance in the dressage ring. From the basics to more advanced exercises, from young horses to old campaigners, Ingrid’s methods are proven to work for her and outlined in this video.


The Development of the Dressage Horse - 2004 USDF National Symposium

The Development of the Dressage Horse

A candid comparison of the breeding and young horse program by US breeders. Experts, Steffen Peters, Scott Hassler, and Christoph Hess discuss breeding, selection, judging, training, and development of the dressage horse from birth to advanced levels.


The Lower Levels with Olympians

The Lower Levels With Olympians

Experts demonstrate techniques to develop and improve the horse through the levels, including how to maintain correct body alignment, when and how to use driving aids, bending aids, regulating aids, an dhow to govern your horse's balance with your upper body.


American Training Program

The American Training Program (Full Program)

The American Training Program, filmed at the 2011 Adequan®/USDF National Symposium and featuring the 2011 USEF National Coaches. This full digital set contains all four coaching sessions, as well as added Ask the Experts Bonus Features.


The American Training Program (Volume 1)

Developing the Rider - the first volume in the American Training Program, features Jeremy Steinberg. Topics include lungeing, improving communication between coach and rider, becoming an empathetic rider, and more.


The American Training Program (Volume 2)

Developing the Young Horse - the second volume in the American Training Program, features Scot Hassler. Topics include patience and planning, progression of collection, suppleness, and balance, proactive versus reactive riding, and more.


The American Training Program (Volume 3)

Transitioning into the the FEI Levels - the third volume in the American Training Program, features Debbie McDonald. Topics include increasing expression in the gaits, the challenges of moving into the FEI levels, and more.


The American Training Program (Volume 4)

Improving Performance for Optimal Results - the fourth volume in the American Training Program, features Anne Gribbons. Topics include relaxation and submission, pirouettes and zig-zags, working on the piaffe and passage, and more.
